Thursday, December 6, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Too much to do, in too little time - that's the usual mantra for this time of the year. We will get our tree on Saturday - and hope that the new kitten doesn't think it's his personal toy. Since he was a stray that we rescued from high up in the neighbors tree, I don't have much hope that he will stay out of it. Don't think we'll put the breakable ornaments on this year. Hmmmm, I think that pretty much leaves a bare tree - nearly all of the ornaments we have are breakable. We discarded everything else a few years ago - after all the kids are all in their 20's, and we're not worried about them breaking things. I guess that will simplify the tree decorating. I will concentrate on the wonderful smell from the Christmas tree instead of all of the decorations and ornaments - that will work for this year. That is my motto - whatever it is - it will work. I am going to apply that to everything.

I have received some Christmas cards already, but haven't even started writing mine yet. I've purchased no more than three gifts, have not decorated the house, and we've have eaten all of the cookies I've made. I think I've got a long way to go to catch up. Funny that I don't seem to have some huge driving force to get it all done. It's not that I have a bah humbug attitude - I'm just not all stressed about getting it all done. I'm enjoying the season.

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