Friday, May 16, 2008

Happy days are here again

Record breaking temperatures today. It's 7:45 pm - and it's still 82 degrees outside. It's supposed to be hot again over the weekend, and then start cooling down next week. Whatever - I'm loving it now. I worked outside all morning scrubbing and cleaning all of the outdoor furniture. Tonight we had dinner outside - one of my very favorite things in the whole world. I just love to eat outside.
After working outside all morning I came in the house for the afternoon and cleaned out closets and cupboards. I finally combed thru all of my many turtlenecks - and got rid of the majority of them. My own private little summer make turtlenecks totally uneccessary these days. Always nice to get rid of excess things. Goodwill should be very happy. I finally took my shower and got cleaned up about 4:00 this afternoon. About 5:00 I took out my very best and favorite wine glass, poured myself a cold glass of crisp but buttery chardonnay, added a few crackers, and went outside and sat in the chair under the birch tree. I had my newest Coastal Living magazine with all of it's pretty pictures, and sipped chardonnay and basked in the warmth of the late afternoon sun - heaven. That would be the definition of peace and tranquility as far as I'm concerned.

The kittens are getting bigger by the day. I have named them all - the Mom is Jasmine, the black kitten is blackie (original don't you think?) and the lighter colored one is shylo. Oh - did you think I didn't spell Shylo correctly? Really it is - he/she is named shylo because he/she is the shy one of the two kittens. Jasmine is quite happy to see me when I come out, and always wants me to pet her. Blackie is a little reticent about getting too close, but this morning I picked him up - twice! Shylo usually runs and hides. Jasmine is now wanting me to pick her up also. Oh, what a dilemma this all is.

I just love looking out my bedroom window on a sunny summer day. Seeing the shades of blue in the sky, and all of the colors of green in the trees in the yard - it is just the most peaceful feeling in the world. I'm so glad it's May, and I have about five more months to enjoy all of this. I wait all winter for these first glorious days of summer.

Time to get off the computer and go outside and enjoy. Bye for now.

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